Article by Mclaren - Hotel Rwanda
I can't think of a more worthwhile experience for Christian leaders than to watch Hotel Rwanda and then ask themselves questions like these:
Which film would Jesus most want us to see, and why?
Why did so many churches urge people to see Gibson's film, and why did so few (if any?) promote Terry George's film? What do our answers to that question say about us?
What were the practical outcomes of millions of people seeing Gibson's film? And what outcomes might occur if equal numbers saw Hotel Rwanda as an act of Christian faithfulness?
In what sense could Hotel Rwanda actually be entitled The Passion of the Christ?
What do we make of the fact that a high percentage of Rwandans who participated in the 1994 genocides were churchgoers?
What do we make of the fact that a high percentage of the Americans who ignored the 1994 genocides (then and now) were and are churchgoers?
What kind of repentance does each film evoke in Christians in the West? Why might the kind of repentance evoked by Hotel Rwanda be especially needed during these important days in history?
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