A New Kind of Church
As we strive to live as a part of God's solution of goodness in the world there will be questions, concerns and thoughts to discuss. This is a place for that conversation to be nurtured. If you would like to contribute, please post a comment with your email and we will send you an invitation.
Monday, February 28, 2005
"The Gates" Closes
Simply amazing...

-The Art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Gates
Central Park,New York
Why aren't we, as Christ church, creating more beauty? Why are we mostly known for what we are mad at, what we are against?

-The Art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Gates
Central Park,New York
Why aren't we, as Christ church, creating more beauty? Why are we mostly known for what we are mad at, what we are against?
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Sister Rose's Passion
"Sister Rose's Passion" is a very small movie on a very big subject. I'll find out, shorty, if it wins the Academy Award for best short documentary it has been nominated for. The 38-minute documentary explores the story of Sister Rose Thering, a Dominican nun who has devoted her life to battling anti-Semitism within the Catholic Church. In addition to teaching and lecturing for over fifty years, her writings contributed to the drafting of "Nostra Aetate," the revolutionary document that changed the Church's position on Jews from negative to positive.
Read more at Faith in Dialoge
Once we acknowledge this whole history of discrimination against Protestants, Jews and Muslims then we can move forward together," she says. "But even then tolerance is not enough. We must not just tolerate but understand and eventually love people of other faiths. We are all children of god, striving to understand him in our own ways.
Read more at Faith in Dialoge
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Missions and the Environment
Confessions of a 'Reluctant Environmentalist'
A message shared from Ed Brown of the Au Sable Institute at Urbana
Read the article here
We in the West, though undoubtedly concerned about the problems faced by people in the developing world, may actually be making their lives worse through our own excessive use of energy and our affluent lifestyles. Giving lip service to the idea of completing the missionary task, we're actually making it more difficult to accomplish.
A message shared from Ed Brown of the Au Sable Institute at Urbana
Read the article here
Prayer for Mark

I met Mark Palmer at Jason Evan's former casa in So Cal almost 2 years ago. It was after that gathering, where Mark, Kevin, Jason, Erik, Charlie, Tawd and others prayed for us, that my wife and I got pregnant with Allison (we had been trying for a while). Mark is an amazing guy that has taught many of us about following Christ call into the unknown and how important the disciplines are. Join us in praying for his healing.
Information Overload?
Watch the video that was shown on Thursday afternoon...

Flash Video or Text Version
I want to get my hands on some of that electronic paper.
What implications do you think technology, such as what is proposed here, means for us as ministers? Should our methods of information delivery shift to one that people enjoy to use?
Most of my students (I'm a youth pastor) that have web access have blogs. Some adults in our church are into it too. If you read many pomo blogs, you probably know that there are a bunch of "emergent" type churches that have used blogs for their main church page (cheap/free, easy and content is easily updated and has real sense of community). Makes me wonder why we spend so much money and time making pretty sites that rarely get used by our congregations.

Flash Video or Text Version
I want to get my hands on some of that electronic paper.
What implications do you think technology, such as what is proposed here, means for us as ministers? Should our methods of information delivery shift to one that people enjoy to use?
Most of my students (I'm a youth pastor) that have web access have blogs. Some adults in our church are into it too. If you read many pomo blogs, you probably know that there are a bunch of "emergent" type churches that have used blogs for their main church page (cheap/free, easy and content is easily updated and has real sense of community). Makes me wonder why we spend so much money and time making pretty sites that rarely get used by our congregations.